Fiat currency is not supported on You can only deposit crypto-currencies we are supporting. For coins we are supporting, please check here.
Take bitcoin for example:
How to Deposit Bitcoin.
1.Access your account first. Then click Wallet to access wallet page (, Where you can view wallet status for each coin and access Deposit or Withdrawal or trade page of the coin.
As we support lots of coins, you may have to search for your coin sometimes.
2.Enter coin code on the searching box to get the entry of this coin.
3.Click Deposit button of the coin entry to access deposit page to generate deposit address distributed to you. Every user on has one unique address.
3.Then you may send your Bitcoin to your deposit address. You may copy the address directly or scan the QR code bar when enter your receiving side on your wallet or another exchange.
Once your transaction is sent, it will be credited to your account when the transaction is confirmed on blockchain by two blocks. And you will see your deposit record displaying under the Recent Deposit Records with the status as Done.
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