To further protect your account, it is highly encouraged to setup the two factor authentication or SMS verification for your account as soon as possible.
How to Add Phone number on account on APP
Step 1 Download app to your mobile device
Install the app and access to your account.
For APP for iOS
1.Tab on the and tab on Personal from the droplist menu to access to My Info screen.
2.Tab on Security Center-> Phone Verification to access Add Phone screen.
3.Tab on the arrow at the first field to access a country code list and search with your country code to find country code for your phone number.
4. Then enter your phone number on the second field.
5.Tab Send Code at the third field. A short message will be sent to your phone number with the verification code.
5.Enter the verification code from the short message received to finish the phone adding.
How to setup SMS verification on website
1.First, go to and log in your account.
2.On the homepage, Click Settings to access setting page.
3.Click SMS Verification on the left side of the page to add your phone number.
4.Real Name Type your full name on the Real Name field.
Tip:Your full name here should be exactly the same name on your identity document. If your document is not in English, but in your native language, your name typed here should be in the same language.
5.Country: Click the arrow in this field to select country code for your mobile phone
6.Fund password: Type your fund password. It is another password different from your login password.
7.SMS code: Click Send SMS button and a short message with verification code will be sent to your phone number.
8.Type the verification code received on the box.
9.Click Setup SMS button.
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