Starting from Nov 4, 2019, user can choose to debit trading fee from GT balance to enjoy extra fee discount. Currently, this method applies to spot trading and margin trading only, which will be applied to perpetual contract market later.
Users can enable GT debit on web page only at this moment. Please note, if enable GT Debit, point will not be used to cover trading fee even if you have points. If you do want to use points, don/t enable it.
Here is how to do:
1. Login account on website and go to Wallet page . At the top of the page, turn on the button to allow GT debit.
2. A message will popup to ask you to confirm.
3. Click “Confirm” button. Your GT balance can be used to cover the trading fee first. If there is not enough GT, it will use the crypto currency.
Note: GT price is subject to price at the moment your order fills.
View below to check the fee percentage after using GT debit or Point:
Note: Point is traded at about 0.3 USDT/ POINT according to OTC market. As 1 point=1 USDT in trading fee at, we multiply 0.3 to calcuate the effective fee cost when using point.
Point will no longer in use after September 1, 2020 in crypto-to-crypto trading, margin trading and perpetual contract trading,etc.
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