launches SERO PoS & Earn(Issue 3)as a part of HODL&Earn, a series of crypto-asset management tools that promises stable profit and lower risks.
With HODL & Earn, users can earn interest with current or fixed deposits.
We will also launch an asset management tool with major crypto currencies such as BTC and USDT, providing more ways for users to gain interest.
The SERO PoS Mining & Earn (Issue 3) has been launched on HODL & Earn. The annual interest rate is 12.5%-30%, which will be adjusted based on the amount of token mined. Web Users can use the link to purchase -, while app users can use HODL & Earn.
The participation rules are stated below:
1) To take part in PoS & Earn, users need to register themselves. However, token lock-up is not required
2) There is no handling fee being charged by
3) The annual interest rate is 12.5%-30%, which will be adjusted based on the number of tokens mined
4) The interest will be calculated based on the average amount of tokens in position over a 14-day period, excluding the borrowed tokens
5) The interest will be distributed every 14 days
6) To continue to participate in the program, users need to operate manually
Introduction to Sero
SERO is the new generation of privacy blockchain that supports smart contract and enables issuance of privacy coins and anonymous assets. Known as the private version of the Ethereum, SERO uses zero knowledge proof, which is an encryption method that outperforms the one used by ZCash. With the default anonymous trading, SERO is the world's first truly Privacy Protection platform for Decentralized Applications. SERO also adopts the most advanced POW + POS consensus, whose network security and performance are much better than POW consensus based blockchain. The project was invested by former IDG co-founder Mr. Suyang Zhang, LD Capital and Quantum Investment Fund. It is now collaborating with major mining pools such as F2Pool.
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