is a trading platform that does not charge listing fees, only launches quality projects, and provides users with a variety of blockchain assets trading services. To involve a higher amount of users in the process of expanding our list of coins, has implemented a new feature called "single listing vote", offering even more opportunities to launch high-quality projects.
In each single listing vote, participants can vote for the project. In this single listing vote, the tokens of the project will be listed on All voters, have a chance to win an airdrop of the project token according to the ratio of the votes they contributed to the number of votes in total.
1. Duration: GMT 4:00 June 19, 2020 – GMT 4:00 June 20, 2020
2. Airdrop Amount:
(1)Once Arweave gets 10 million votes, the trading service of AR will be available on Each voter has a chance of sharing 10,000 AR airdrop as per the Single Listing Vote Scheme.
3.Participate in the Listing Vote at:
Introduction to Arweave
1. Project Introduction
Arweave protocol, a new blockchain-like data structure called the blockweave based on Proof of Access (POA), is designed to provide scalable and permanent on-chain data storage in a sustainable manner. Arweave has introduced new concepts that allow nodes to fulfil key network functions without possessing the whole chain.
Official website:
Link to Whitepaper:
Link to Yellowpaper:
Link to Lightpaper:
2. Token information
The Arweave network uses AR token. As the token in the is scarce and is used for two valuable functions, that of encoding data into the and of rewarding miners, the token itself has a non-zero financial value. Although the token primarily derives its utility from being the only instrument of paying for permanent data storage, it can also be used as a means of value exchange. In order to write a transaction into a block, a user has to pay some AR as a transaction fee, which is not transferred in its entirety directly to a miner of this block. Most of the transaction fee is contributed towards a storage endowment, which is distributed to the wallets of miners over time.
(1) Token Symbol: AR
(2) Total Supply: 66,000,000
(3) Token Release:
55 million AR were created in the genesis block at network launch on the 8th June 2018; a further 11 million AR, are being introduced into circulation gradually as block mining rewards. In order to incentivise mining, the node that successfully ‘mines’ each block is rewarded with a number of AR token. Archain re-adjusts the difficulty of the hash required for each block based on the amount of time the previous block took to mine, normalising around a solution time of 5 minutes. As an additional counter to inflation, the amount of currency issued for each successive mining block decreases such that 10% of the tokens in the genesis block are issued in the first year, halving every year thereafter.
3.Deposit AR at:
Single Listing Vote Scheme
1.Participants: all the GT holders on 1 GT=1 vote
2.Vote allocation: For every participant, their vote equals the average 14-day GT holding including assets in Lending/Borrowing Market, and the GT bought with USDT borrowed from Margin Trading, however, GT borrowed from Margin Trading is not allowed. The user’s votes will be calculated based on the average 14-day GT holding within two hours after the listing vote. Thus, please don’t make any changes to your GT holding before the counting of the votes.
For example, Bob is a new GT holder, and he buys and holds 14000GT one day before the sale. Therefore, his average 14-day GT holding will be 1000GT 14000GT/14 days, and he will have 1000 votes.
3. Every real-name participant can vote with his GT for the project.
4. In this listing vote, when the project gets 10 million votes, the tokens will be listed.
5. After the listing vote, all voters will be rewarded with an airdrop of the tokens. Meanwhile, the time for trading, withdrawal, and deposit of the tokens will be released.
6.The return of GT and holding requirements: after the listing vote, the voter’s GT will be returned to his account. The GT holding of the voter should be higher than the number of his votes within two hours after the activity. Otherwise, the number of the votes will be counted based on the real-time GT holding when the vote counting begins.
7.Rewards in the Listing Vote:
(1)Among the top 1000 voters, 10 voters will be randomly selected whose VIP levels will be upgraded by 1 tier.
(2)After the project receives 10 million votes, the token will be airdropped. All voters will win the token. The airdrop of the token will be ratioed according to how many votes of the voter account for the votes in total.
(1) Cheating: will cancel the votes of an account if any cheating is detected or reported by other users and confirmed. The account will no longer be qualified for the listing vote if more than three cheating records have been registered. reserves the final right to interpret this activity. is a trading platform that does not charge listing fees, only launches quality projects, and provides users with 100% guaranteed and instant deposit-withdrawal services.
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