With our Gate.io’s HODL & Earn section, we regularly launch products that facilitate our users with chances to earn a high passive yield. We have not only provided many products allowing holders of popular coins (e.g. BTC, ETH, USDT) to earn a high yield, but are also continuously adding new products based on developing trends in the market. As our products become increasingly popular among users, we have released “Today’s Earn selection ” to keep you updated on the popular products of the day and enable your participation. Today's “Earn selection” is released every day at the same time.
Here is today’s “Earn selection” of our passive income yielding products.
Lockup & Earn--Annualized Yield of 10%
Earn Every Day- Double Eleven Special Offer: Lock ETH to Earn (Starts 4:00 UTC Today)
Estimated annualized yield: 5%
Term: 7 days
Lockup is required
View more at:https://www.gate.io/hodl/230
Earn Every Day- Double Eleven Special Offer:Lock BTC to Earn (Only 29% Left)
Estimated annualized yield: 5%
Term: 7 days
Lockup is required
View more at:https://www.gate.io/hodl/229
Earn Every Day#25: Lock USDG to Earn USDG
Estimated annualized yield: 10%
Term: 7 days
Lockup is required
View more at:https://www.gate.io/hodl/221
Earn Every Day#30: Lock USDG to Earn USDG
Estimated annualized yield: 9.97%
Term: 7 days
Lockup is required
View more at:https://www.gate.io/hodl/226
Hold & Earn-Annualized Yield Up to 25%
New User Bonus: USDTest & Earn USDT (the product will be active for a long term)
Estimated annualized yield: 25%
Term: 7 days
Join now at https://www.gate.io/hodl/182
TRX PoS Staking#5
Estimated annual yield:9%
Term: 98 days
No lockup is required.
Join now at https://www.gate.io/hodl/209
EOS PoS Staking#5
Estimated annual yield:4%
Term: 98 days
No lockup is required.
Join now at https://www.gate.io/hodl/208
ATOM PoS Staking#5
Estimated annualized yield:10%
Term: 98 days
No lockup is required.
Join now at https://www.gate.io/hodl/203
ALGO PoS Staking#5
Estimated annualized yield:8%
Term: 98 days
No lockup is required.
Join now at https://www.gate.io/hodl/198
VET PoS Staking #5
Estimated annualized yield: 8%
Term: 98 days
No lockup is required.
Join now at https://www.gate.io/hodl/189
Tezos PoS Staking #5
Estimated annualized yield: 6%
Term: 98 days
No lockup is required.
Join now at https://www.gate.io/hodl/184
SERO PoS Staking #5
Estimated annualized yield:13%
Term: 98 days
No lockup is required.
Join now at https://www.gate.io/hodl/183
KSM PoS Staking
Estimated annualized yield:13%
Term: 98 days
No lockup is required.
Join now at https://www.gate.io/hodl/97
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